Date(s) - 28/09/2020 - 01/10/2020
09:00 - 16:30
Elster GmbH
Seminar aim:
Comprehensive knowledge of the functions and technology of valves, burners, and electronic safety and protective systems is required to carry out commissioning and maintenance of gas equipment on industrial thermoprocessing systems. The gas-related components of an industrial furnace – from the manual valve of the gas inlet section to the burner – along with how they interact are explained via practical exercises and talks.
You learn how to plan and carry out commis- sioning and maintenance in an independent manner, whereby we also teach you about the legal requirements for working on gas systems.
- Fundamentals of gas quality and the use of fuel gases
- Design and functions of gas-related components of an industrial furnace pursuant
to current standards (DIN EN 746-2) and regulations - Types, function and design of valves, pressure switches and tightness controls
- Functions of gas pressure regulators and safety devices
- Ignition and monitoring of gas burners on industrial furnaces
- Flame control using ionization electrodes and UV sensors
- Setting and capacity control of industrial gas burners with air/gas ratio control
- Gas requirements for work on gas systems on factory sites
- Filter maintenance in gas inlet sections and selection of spare parts
- Installation, checking and adjusting of gas pressure regulators and safety shut- off valves (gas pressure regulators, SSV and RV)
- Repair and replacement of gas valves; tightness test procedure
- Exercise on burner simulator: assembly, commissioning and adjustment of a nozzle-mixing high-speed burner (BIC)
- Programming, operation and remedying of faults on burner control units and protective furnace systems
- Use of Elster Thermal Solutions software solutions for documentation, product identification and ordering of spare parts
Target group:
Service staff from the repair or measuring, regulating and control technology departments who carry out commissioning or main tenance work on gas-related components of an industrial furnace or will have to do so in the future.
Taking part in the seminar allows staff to prove they are participating in regular further training pursuant to the ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health for experienced specialists and provides young professionals with the basic knowledge required for practical work on gas systems using Elster Thermal Solutions products.
Seminar organization:
Duration and times:
4 days, starting on the first day at 9:00 am and finishing on the last day at 2:30 pm
Note: Clothing adapted to the weather conditions is required as some of the practical exercises take place outside. Safety shoes and goggles are needed.
Informationszentrum Elster Thermal Solutions, Strotheweg 1, 49504 Lotte – Germany
Travel and accommodation:
Travel and accommodation are not included in the course fee. You will find information about accommodation in the list of hotels on page 25 (Hotels) and a description of how to find us on page 24 (How to find us) in our seminar brochure.
Course fee:
€ 2.175,00 per person + VAT
Verfügbare Plätze: 5
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